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How can I tell when shes in labor?

18 13:40:22

We have a full-blooded miniature dachshund female, about 5-6 years old.  She was given to us.  She has had 3 false pregnancies in the past.  But we finally got a small Chihuahua-fiest mix male.  She went into heat around the first of April.  She is huge now; what signs will she give us that she is in labor.  I have read most of the questions and answers and have more information that I had but I am still concerned.  It is really important that she have these puppies and everyone remain healthy.  The male was killed as she was finishing her season and we're hoping we'll get a puppy like both of them.

Hi Judy. The most common signs of labor are heavy panting and crazy digging. This may last 24 hours before whelping actually starts. She may also go off her food, and try to find a place to hide. If she's past day 50, you can have some x-rays done to see if there are any really big ones, and to see about how many there are. That way, you'll know when she should be done. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know!