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Teaching a male dog how to mount a female.

18 13:29:58

I know this is probably a silly or stupid question, but a real one.  We have a 2 year old black lab that cannot seem to understand what it takes to mount our female black lab.  They have been together since he was a 8 week old pup and has been in heat at least 4 times now and all he does is mount her head.  He licks her but can't seem to get the concept of it all.  My question would be this.  Should he be taught to get the job done or would it be better to just let the female (7 yrs old) go through false pregnancy again.  She has gone through it 3 times now.

Hi Ada

Have you had the female tested?  At 7 she may not be ovulating regularly or enough to get the male that "crazed".

The biggest obstacle is with dogs that live together their entire life, sometimes just "aren't that in to you".

It's best to separate them for a few days.  Put the female on a lead and let her "straddle" your lap so she is sideways from you.  Have someone bring the male around to the business end and encourage him to mount. Every time he moves to the head, bring him back around.  Once he mounts and starts thrusting, help by cupping his penis and guide into the female.

On side note, it's never a good sign if a female continues to go into false pregnancy. I would have her checked by your vet.

Good luck