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Wondering if it took?

18 13:34:12

Hi, I'm new at breeding Std. Dach, I've bred GSPs for many years, but it's a whole different ballgame! My question is, my bitch last time had a "split heat" and we did AI and she had 2 VERY healthy babies. Now we're repeating the breeding, unfortunately I had to change vets, my previous one left town. So, we did vaginal cytologies on her on day 1,6 as well as her 1st progesterone which was 0.5,then a cytology on day 10, another cytology and progesterone test on day 14, which was 0.8, I was a bit incredulous of the Lab so asked the vet if we could AI her on day 15, because she was behaving EXTREMELY receptive and standing for him, but since the male has never been used and is now 6 years old, he doesn't know what he's doing. We did the AI on day 15 and then on day 17. Again on day 17 he did a cytology and said no big changes, so we ran a Progesterone again on today on day 21 and it came back at 13.0, he says it's not necessary to AI her again now. Do you think we have a chance of her having taken on those days? Since I know the sperm can last up to 7 days, i think it might be probable, do you?

Hi Sarah. It is very probable that she took. However, when dealing with dogs all bets are off.:-) Acording to your dates and test results, then I'd say you guys have a really good chance. I have a couple of good links to sites about progesterone testing if you'd like them.