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Problem with litter

18 13:31:33

I just whelped a litter female has been bred prior with no problems. This time first puppy born alive no problems next 3 born very quickly within 2 hrs and all 3 were stillborn. What could have caused this? and it there anything tht could be done to prevent??

Hi Sady

How long between breedings did you wait?  Was it back to back or did you wait a year?  Did you test the male and female prior to breeding.  

Infection is the major cause of stillborn pups.  Was your female healthy when she was bred? Kennel cough, low grade infection, worms,  STD's such as brucellios can be passed during mating. Pups can grow naturally but when they whelp, can cause blindness and death.

The best defense for a healthy liter is to start with healthy breeders.