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Shih-tzu at 59 days

18 13:42:23

Hi, My baby Molly is 59 days pregnant from 1st tie, I started taking temps 2 days ago and am getting a little obsessed with her delivering. Please bare with me. Day 57 10am temp 97.8, 2pm.99.2, 10pm 99.6.  Day 58 8am 99.5, 10 98.2, 2pm 98,  7pm  98.3 . Day 59  9am 98.5, Has brown crusting for 2 days and clear mucous discharge, still eating some, alot of fetal movement. very attached to me. Yesterday I called the vet to advise  him of temp and he said its ok, should happen "soon". What do you think. this is her 1st. pregnancy. 11lbs, male was 8lbs. , what do you think. thank you

HI Lisa. It sounds like she's getting ready. I'd go ahead and make sure her box is ready, and everything else that you'll need for the big day. This is the hardest part.....waiting for it to happen. DId you tell him of the brown discharge she was having?