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dogs heat cycle

18 12:00:12

My 18 mos old german shepard went into heat about a week ago and yesterday I started noticing an unpleasant odor about her. Is this normal? Or should I worry she has an infection? We do have a male, but we are pretty sure they have not hooked up. Since I have always had male dogs up until now, I am not sure if the odor is normal or not.

Hi Shelly

Unpleasant odor could mean pyometra. It can develop into a serious uterine infection that has the potential to be fatal. If she's lethargic, drinks more than usual, peeing more and off her food, those are signs as well.

Pyometra occurs during a female's heat cycle, or estrus cycle, her cervix relaxes and opens a little, this can allow bacteria to enter her uterus. When the cervix closes the bacteria is trapped.

Typically the immune system is strong enough to fight it off, but with some females a heat cycle can lower the bodies defences and pyometra walks right in.  The bacteria usually seen in pyometra is E. Coli although other bacterias have been to blame.  

She needs to see your vet immediately.  

Good luck