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Yellowish-greenish stool in newborn puppies

18 12:00:12

Hello, my Rat Terrier dog gave birth to 3 little puppies on Wednesday 9/9/09. The puppies nurse constantly, their very vocal, they wiggle around a lot, they are "active" in their sleep, they have nice pink tounges, always warm to the touch, their mother takes great care of them. But my question is when their mother stimulates them to go to the bathroom, their bowel is greenish, yellowish and is not solid, it is musousy. I have searched all over the internet for what it could be and I haven't found anything, remotley close. Also, so you know it is not Parvo. My dog is clean from that and so are her pups. Beside their odd color and texture of their bowel, the pups are completely healthy. Also, so you know we haven't taken my dog or her pups to the vet yet, but we will soon.

Thanks a bunch!

Hi. It's time to get them to the vet. Anytime newborns have diarrhea of any kind, it needs to be checked out fast. They can go downhill super fast. It could be that they are eating too much, it could be canine herpes (yellowish-greenish stool can be one of the signs), or it could be a few different things. either way, they need to be checked out. Good luck! P.S. The only way to know 100% for sure that it's not parvo is to have them tested for it. You can bring it in on your shoes, clothing, hair, ect. I dont think it isw parvo, just wanted you to know that that's the only way to know for sure it isn't parvo. It can happen.