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my japanese spitz bitch will not mate

18 13:42:00

I have a 3 and a half year old japanese spitz bitch and my daughter has a male. They do not live together but obviously know each other very well.  We have tried for the last 3 seasons to mate them but my bitch gets aggressive every time he tries to mount her.  When they were one we found them tied and threw water on them because we felt they were too young.  Could this have had a lasting effect on her or are they too familiar.  She has just finished her cycle but is now climbing onto my labrador bitches back as SHE is now in season.  It seems as if she thinks she is male.

I know it seems that way but it isn't :). She's exhibiting domination behavior. Have you had your girl in to the vet to have her checked to make sure she doesn't have vaginal strictures or anything physical that will prevent her from breeding? Are you putting her with the male around her 13th day? Next time you might want to consider taking her in the vet and having her LH levels tested through cystology or blood testing and if she still won't stand have her inseminated. Is he an experienced male? Often an inexperienced male and female don't make the best pairing for a first time mating,