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lactating 3 weeks before expected whelp date

18 13:27:18

I was refered to you for this question.  Thanks
Question   I have a 3 year old great dane bitch that started lactating 4 days ago.  I witnessed all 3 matings/ties and know exact dates.  The very earliest whelp date is June 30th.  She is developing mastitis and is being treated for it, but concerned she may miscarry??  I have bred for 15 years and have never had this happen before.  Have you heard of this happening this early??  Anything else I should be watching for? expected problems nursing the pups?    Thanks


Answer   Hi. The only time I have hear it happen this early is when a dog was going through a false pregnancy. The thing is, if she developed it this early, she may have trouble with it while nursing as well. You'll just have to keep a really good eye on her, and have bottles and such on hand just in case. Since I have never personally had experience with a dog developing mastitis this early, you may want to ask the other expert, Joyce. I know that she has a lot of knowledge about home remedies and such, she may be better able to help you with this. Good luck.  

Hi Carly

The on-set of early milk production happens and can bring on mastitis as in your case.   Is she on a low dose of antibiotics for the mastitis?  Depending on the dose and the drug, the pups may be a little lethargic when they are born, but shouldn't cause her to miscarry.

The best non-medicinal way to get rid of mastitis is to place you female in the bathtub filled with warm water.  The water has to cover her teats.  Gently massage and express the milk in the infected teat.  The release will ease the pain and get rid of the bad milk.

Arnica is a natural remedy that is very helpful in the whelping process.  It helps with any internal injuries caused by breach puppies and/or  tearing and acts to relieve pain.

Good luck