Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Too Young To breed?

Too Young To breed?

18 11:55:57

QUESTION: Hi my mother recently purchased a Cane Corso puppy (she plans to take him
home at 8 weeks). My concern is that the mother is only a year old and,
apparently, this is her second litter. Will our puppy have health issues later on
down the line or is it too early to tell? He seemed pretty calm (and HUGE)
when we picked him out (at four weeks).

Thanks so much.

ANSWER: the mother was way too young to be bred! you cant do any genetic testing until about 2yrs old so they very well could be breeding pups that will have hip or heart problems. i would ask your vet to see what he thinks.  it is too early to tell the effects on the pups yet but there is a good chance her pups wont be healthy. i hope this helps and congrats to you for being concerned about the pups and mother! feel free to ask any other questions you may have.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow! Thank you!
We also had a rottweiler (supposedly pure bred as well). I'm not sure when her
mother was first bred. My rottweiler had hip problems and while I can't
remember when they started, I know she lived to be about 12 years old. We
put her down because it got to the point where she had trouble getting up.
Are these hip problems simply inherent in the larger breeds or was it a result
of a similar situation? Do you think that my Cane Corso will have hip
problems at an earlier age because of the age of his mother?

Thanks again!

large breed dogs are more prone to hip problems then smaller dogs but bad hips can be passed down from parents. the best thing you can do is get a pup from a breeder that will show you proof of hip testing on both parents. the testing is expensive and cant be done until 2 yrs of age so alot of breeders dont get this done. if the parents of your corso puppy havent been tested then its hard to tell whether your pup would have bad hips at a early age. i hope this helps..