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my boxers first time giving birth

18 13:33:04

This is my boxers first time giving birth. She has only had one and at first she was very distant and afraid of the puppy. it took her about an hour to bite the cord and let the baby feed. What I want to know is how long is the pregnancy supposed to be? can one puppy come premature and the rest not come? How long is labor or can it take for a boxer to have a litter? sorry about the bombardment of questions. just a little worried about my dogs well-being.

Thanks you,
Ms. Nesbitt

Hi Sarah. Canine pregnancy lasts 63 days, though it can go safely between 58-65 days. What exactly did the pup look like, and is it still alive? The thing about Boxers is, most breeders usually cut the cord themselves as Boxer mom tends to cut them too short. I have heard of a dog giving birth to one puppy, and wait a few days to finish. One premature pup was born, but did live, and then she gave birth to 9 three days later. As for how long it takes, it depends on a few things: How many puppies there are, what kind of shape mom is in. If she's having a large litter, it can take up to 24 hours for her to finish. There should never be longer than two hours inbetween puppies without putting a call in to the vet. My best suggestion is to get her to the vet to see if she does have anymore in there. If I can help with anything else, let me know.