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pregnant dogs temp

18 13:33:05

Hi Renee, my Maltese is going to due in 4days. I'm start taking her temp few days ago, her temp is always between 98.6-98.24 in these few days. I know it is bit lower than it should be, but my dog is eating well and seems to be fine. I can feel 2 or maybe 3 pups there, but I can only see one of they are moving. Are there something I should worry about?

Hi Vinnie. Some girls have a lower temp. As long as she's eating, drinking, feeling fine, and doesn't have a colored discharge, then I'd say she's ok. You didn't say what breed she is. If she's a small breed carrying large pups, you may not be able to feel them move that well. The best time to try to feel the pups moving is when you guys first get up, or when mom is laying on her side, resting. If you're 100% positive that she has more than one in there and definitely don't feel them moving, then you can take her to the vet for a check up. When she's laying on her side, place one hand under her, and one hand on top of her belly. You should feel them moving that way. Now, like I said, if they're big, or she's having a lot of pups, they may be so crammed in there that it makes them hard to feel. If you're uncomfortable or worried, I'd take her in for a check up just to make sure. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.