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yorkie 65 days into pregnancy

18 13:31:16

Little concerned, we breed her Nov 1 and Nov2, counted 63 days....... still waiting... we are at 65 days now... she seems fine, has had some panting, nesting, then rest and is hungry, we feed her. puppies moving, all seems well, she is following us whenever we leave the room (which she has always done) gets a little playful but then sleeps again. Just needs to be with us at all times. If 63 days is the normal, but she has yet to start the real labor/pushing, how much longer could it take. She is such a sweetheart, this is her first litter.
Thanks for your consideration in addressing my concerns, Sue

Hi. Sue. A normal canine pregnancy can last between 58-65 days. When a dog goes over the 65 day mark, a trip to the vet is in order to make sure that everything is ok. Sometimes large breed dogs go over the 65 day and be perfectly fine, I still advise a trip to the vet just to make sure though. Is there any way that she could've been bred a little later than you thought? Was she ever left alone with a male after she was bred, or left alone in the yard? You say she was bred on the 1st and 2nd. She may have been bred on those days, but didn't concieve until a couple of days later, explaining why she's running late. At any rate, I'd put a call in to the vet for a check up. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.