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mini doxie pregnancy

18 13:44:02

Our two doxies got tied on 11/2 and 11/4 how do we know if she really is preg. and when will her due date be. This is our first time owning mini doxies.  We tried our best keeping them seperated, he got her thru the side of her diaper the first time. We need to do everything possible without a vet due to finances.

Hi Joan. Well, if she was tied on Nov. 2nd, her first due date would be Jan. 3rd. Her second due date would be on Jan. 5th. She is so early, to be able to really tell if she's pregnant or not right now. Most dogs really won't have a lot of pregnancy symptoms this early. They may have morning sickness, or act really tired. The thing is, it can mirror a false pregnancy, so it's really hard to tell for sure until a few weeks before whelping. Even then, they can fool you. You'll just have to wait her out, and be patient. A few weeks before the puppies are due, you should be able to feel them moving around and such. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If I can answer anything else, let me know!