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Whining mother

18 11:55:21

Hi, My name is Laura and our bitch has just giving birth to 8 pups, unfortunately 5 have died. She feds 2 of them really well but 1 doesn't get so much. We asked our vet for advice and he said to keep trying to get her some manually until she builds up some strength and this appears to be working. My problem is, is that the mother wont stop whining when she is alone with the pups, she always has food and water close by and is let out for bathroom breaks many times during the day. She was given calcium injections by the vet 2 days after giving birth due to pre eclamsia. I am lost and so worried about her. Please can you give me any advice on how I can help her.

Kind regards

Hi Laura

When did she birth the pups?
Do you know why the pups died?  
Did your vet give the female a shot of oxytocin?

You may want to start giving her St. John's Wort or Vitamin B complex.  Both with help calm her down and get settled in.  

Good luck