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growth of newborn english bulldogs

18 13:40:31

we have 9 English bulldog babies born on 5-13-08, who with great sadness, we  lost their mother that same day. we have been tube feeding, and i was wondering if there is a general weight they should be gaining. they are now 8 days old, and have gained an average of 2-3 ounces each. they seem to be doing wonderful, but i read somewhere that the average weight gain should be an ounce a day..???  should i be concerned, or is the not true?

thank you

This is a great website for hand rearing pups. I think you'll find it helpful. Actually both of them. I would be trying them with bottles at this age.They need to develop the suck reflex and need the stimulation.
From what I can find out they should gain about an ounce per day. So if you are not feeding every three hours you might want to increase how often you are feeding. Or possibly the amount. That really is not enough gain over the period of time they've had to grow.
I'm so sorry about mom :(