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At home brucellosis test? And a few other questions...

18 13:48:05

I was wondering if there are any at home brucellosis tests available yet? (for future reference)

Also I have just bred my 3.5 year pit bull, she was bred on days 11, 13, & 15. The male is almost 4 yrs. (same breed) and has not been bred before, this breeding was the first tie for both the male and female.I had her AI'd last heat on days 9 & 11 with no success (false pregnancy, pre labor and all!), no progesterone test were done but the vet did a vaginal smear and he said that we brought her in at the right time. This time around we have been able to achieve natural ties, is it more likely for natural breeding to work than AI?
If she is still flagging in 2-3 days should I breed her again or will that be too may times?
I know I have seen this question answered some where but I can't find it... Will her heat stop if the breeding took or is that different for every female?

Thank You for any help you can offer, and for all the help you have already given me through answering other people's questions!

Hi Renee

First, the brucellosis test has to be done by a vet.  Not sure what their plans are for home test, but the home kits aren't always as accurate, but that just my opinion.

As for what is more successful A.I. or live cover depends entirely on timing.  If you breed her on the 9th and 11th and she ovulates on the 17th or 18th day -- obviously it was to early.  If she ovulates day 6 ... to late. So like I said, timing IS every thing.  This would apply for both the natural cover and the A.I.

I would let her breed, until she doesn't let the male mount her or until they both lose interest.  A male can produce viable semen even if he's breed every day for 12 days straight.  I'm not saying do that, but just that is is doable.  

When you ask will her heat you mean will she quit bleeding or when she quits making everyone around her crazy??

Will she stop bleeding?

Has she bled for the entire heat cycle?  Typically the female bleeds for 5 - 7 days. The blood tapers off to a pink color.

21 days is the usual lengthen of a heat but it can last a little longer.  She should only be spotting a bit. Anything more would be a red flag.