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Problems getting litters on my girls

18 12:00:34

Hi Joyce, I'm hoping as a fellow breeder you can help me figure out what's going on with my girls.  I breed Alaskan Malamutes and seem to be having some horrible luck this year with my females.  I have two proven girls and one who has not produced a litter before.  I have bred them all so far over the course of this year, using my males and also other studs I have selected from reputable breeders.  I have never had a problem getting my girls bred; typically I breed on days 12, 14 and 16 and have had litters each time.  For whatever reason this year, I have used proven girls and proven studs and still ended up with nothing.  My girls are also now coming into heat early, later and having silent or false heats.  Earlier this year in February, I bred one of my proven girls to my stud who I used last time on her, and she went through a full-blown false pregnancy with milk production and everything.  Also earlier in the year, I took my female who is not proven into my vet for vaginal smears to make sure we bred her on the right day(s# - I used my proven stud on her and bred when my vet said to, but ended up with nothing.  I am trying to figure out what could be the reasons why my girls aren't getting pregnant.  Any ideas?  We have been so disappointed this year with no litters and are wondering if there could be something more than just bad luck going on here.  We did change their food in January to something I thought was better but at a closer look I see it has a lower protein content than what I was feeding - do you think the low protein levels in the food #only 22%) could have something to do with it?  It was a breeder friend of mine who switched me onto it, and she is also having problems getting litters this year, and has produced nothing.  Sorry for the novel-length question, but I am desperate for answers and don't really want to have to take my whole kennel into the vets for testing just yet.  I can't wait to hear your ideas or experiences with anything like this you can share - thank you!

Hi Stephanie

Who said breeding dogs was easy? LOL

I would put all the females on a low dose of amoxicillian for 5 - 10 days. Do this when they just come into heat or a few weeks prior.  They may have a infection that is not detectable but enough to discourage sperm from reaching the intended target.

I suspect it is bacterial if all the females are going through the same thing.  Also test have the males tested for brucellois.  One male infected can wipe out an entire breeding program.

Good luck!