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min pin due on 12th im confused?!

18 13:48:19

I asked a question on here last week, the answer I got helped but it also confused me. It said that I needed to have a pair of scissors ready to cut the cords. But as I was reading other answers they said NOT to cut them. So what do I do. My min pin is due on the 12th of June and she is 4. This is her first litter. She is huge and seems to have some milk leaking from her already. I have a box ready, and she is going to the vet in 2 days. So this is the only question I need answered and maybe you could give me a couple of tips if you have any. Thanks a bunch!!

Hi Glenda -- You DO NOT need to cut anything. The female will do it all.

Make sure that the pup's nose and mouth is clean. You can stimulate new born pups with a cloth and rubbing them dry.  But for the most part, the new mother will know what to do.

Good luck.