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I need help please

18 13:45:30

QUESTION: Hi, my name is Kimberly, I'm from Iowa. Well I'm going to tell you my story and you tell me what you think if you would!!! I have two boxers, brother and sister (literally from the same litter) well she went into her first heat this year in July.  I kept them away from each other the best i could... well i was getting ready both days it happened and well now she is pregnant and about to pop... today it has been 62 days since the first time they did it... the next time was either 2-3 days after the first.  Well milk is just starting to drip from her teat's  and she always wants to just lay down and go potty obviously.. I have no idea what to expect from any of this... And i read online that your not suppose to breed white boxers for birth defects could arise.... i just need to know what to expect and if i will need to help her at all through this... i can not find any good web sites for info... please help me!!!

ANSWER: Hello Kimberly. First of all, white Boxers are no more likely to 'pass on' birth defects than their colored counterparts. They're just more likely to be deaf, and to get skin cancer. They have the same genes as their littermates, they just have a lot more of the white marking gene. If there are any birth defects present in the pups, that's because both parents carry the genes for them. Since this is an inbreeding, be prepared for that to happen. Not saying it will for sure, but just in case. It would be a closer inbreeding if this was a father to his daughter, or mother to her son. As with all inbreedings, you double up on the good, and bad, genes.

Ok. Look for her to pass her mucus plug. It'll be a good sized glob of clearish, gunky, stringie stuff coming from her vulva. She'll deliver within 24-48 hours after that. If she keeps herself really clean, you may miss it. Watch for her to start panting, and not stop. She may go off of her feed the day of whelping, or the day before. She'll start to dig like crazy when her time gets near. This is the time you put her in her whelping box. If she has a colored discharge BEFORE the birth of the first puppy, call the vet immediately. Something may be wrong. Don't let her go more than 3 hours inbetween puppies. Boxers are known to rip the umbilical cord instead of tearing it. You may have to do this for the sake of the puppy. Boxers usually make pretty good moms. Watch her breasts for any red, swollen areas, and watch her milk. If it changes colors, take her to the vet ASAP. You need to call your vet and have him prepared in case of an emergency. Boxers are known for c-sections. Stay with her through the whole thing, and keep her room quiet when whelping starts. If you need anymore help, feel free to holler!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK!!! thank you so much for that response... but today she is licking herself all day and breathing kind of hard, and didn't really eat dinner last night or breakfast this morning... I'm scared its going to happen and I'm going to be at work, i come and check on her about every 2-3 hours and let her go potty, but i have her box ready in her room for her but i think she is thinking shes going to have her pups in my closet, and that's not going to happen. Then another thing is shes getting kind of mean towards my other dogs... if that means anything i don't is 63 day I'm thinking shes gonad go into labor any min. or day, and is it true they do it at night as for then  in  the day??? thank you so much for your help

That's what I keep stressing to everyone.....the dog's attitude may change towards others dogs when she is pregnant or whelps, even towards dogs she was raised with. It's normal.

It sounds like she is gearing up for labor. I'd start to keep a really good watch on her. She could go anytime. I've had dogs whelp at 12 noon. There's really no set time. It just depends on the dog. I'd start to keep a close eye on her. If you have to work, then maybe you can get a good friend to check in on her during the day? Good luck, and let me know how it turns out please!!