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My pom in heat

18 13:48:53

My 1.5 yr old pom has been in heat going on in to her 2end week here and I have not seen any bleeding yet! She has been sick throwing up does this have anything to do with it? could she get prego with out bleeding or with out me knowing? I do have a male pom in the house as well. I want to breed them but I don't know when she is going to bleed or what is going on with her. this is her second heat.

She has also been peeing everywhere wich is not normal she has peed on the rug when we come home has she just lost it or what?

Thank you

Hi Chris

When a female is in heat, she will eliminate more, so it's very normal. It is a "calling card" to let the boys know she's available.

Sometimes with smaller dogs, we don't notice the bleeding or they keep themselves very clean.  The hormone imbalance could make her nauseous and occasionally a female will throw up.  

I would take her in for a ovulation test or a smear to see where she's at.

Good luck