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male dog wont penetrate female

18 13:41:28

am breeding my staffie and have read some of the answers, but basically the male can't seem to get inside her, they were going for about 2 hours and eventually I took her home because they were both really tired, tried again today and same thing, its both dogs first mating, also she is on her 15 day tomorrow and are going to try one last time, how long are they fertile for? getting different answers, she is actually still bleeding as well

Hi Faye

It really depends on when your female ovulates.  Some ovulate early in their heat, some in the middle and some at the end.  I have females in all aspects.  One ovulates at day 9, one at day 15 and on at day 21.  So unless you do progesterone testing, it's a guessing game.

You can assist the breeding and hold the male inside until a tie occurs or you may have to do A.I.