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My new Boxer Litter

18 13:44:23

They are 17 Days old. The labor was quite long--24 hours of active labor.  The vet didn't elect to give her a shot of oxytosin--wish I had asked for one.  She continues to have discharge that was maroon, but for last week is bright red, and is approx 3 times per day.  Her temp is steady between 101.2-101.7 and there is no foul odor.  We battled mastitus succesfully with clavamox and hot compresses and NO abcess or "blowout"!!!  Puppies are getting clavamox now for a skin condition--no mites on slide, but have patchy bald spots that get scabby. The skin underneath is perfect--and new hair growth evident.  My questions:
1) Discharge at this 2 week mark is okay?  Vet says give it 2 more weeks.  

2) The skin problem...common for boxers?  

3)  They want me to bathe the puppies for 10-15 minutes in Malaseb shampoo for the skin condition--but are unsure of the diagnosis--is this safe on 2 week old pups?  

Can you tell this is my first litter!!!

Hi Molly

Wow sounds like you've had your hands full.  

I would question why it's taking so long for the discharge to discontinue.  Of course it was a hard labor, so that could contribute to it.  You can use liquid Arnica (available at any health store) a few drops on her tongue a couple times a day will help with internal damage and bruising.

We are seeing more and more skin issues in all types of breeds including the Boxer.  The primary cause is food allergies.  

It seems to me that the more medication, medicated shampoos, etc you introduce to a young pup, the harder the pup has to struggle to have a "normal" life.

Keep the area where the pups are dry.  Use absorbent towels that will take any moisture away from puppy's sensitive skin.   We've had excellent success with my nephews Boxer using full spectrum lighting. It is used the light socket about his dog bed. You can hang a light bulb (available at Wal-mart)over the whelping box.   

Good luck.