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Basset Breeding Question

18 13:32:53

Today is day 14 for my female on her heat. Her and the male bred once on day 12 and twice on day 13 and once this morning. We have had to help the male hit the target each time because he is new and eager:)  They are both 3yrs, old. Okay they tied this morning and now her discharge i just noticed is pink tinged again where it was more yellow/clear. Is this normal? Some places I have read say its her going out of heat and some say its an injury from the breeding. They both were kept still while tied.  

Hi Lisa. It's normal. Unless she has a fever, a nasty, foul smelling discharge, quits eating/drinking, then I wouldn't worry too much. An injury due to breeding would usually be a darker red, and the dog would most likely be in some sort of distress over it. I'd say that your girl is just fine, but if it would make you feel better, take her to the vet for a check up. Good luck!