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bleeding after delivery

18 13:42:19

I am wondering how long do female shih tzu's bleed after delivering their puppies?  also is it normal for the female to get puss around her nipples? And how often do you feed the mother after she has pups? I have never had dogs before so I am at a loss here. I am concerned due to the fact She doesn't seem to be retaining any weight you can feel her ribs and she is tired all the time. The puppies are about 5 weeks now. We have been feeding her twice a day, I have been giving her AD canned food, I have now run out. Is there anything we can do to help her get her energy back?

Some discharge is normal for several weeks after, but not bright red bleeding. Pus of any kind is abnormal and if she really has pus ANYWHERE she needs to be seen by a vet immediately or it could be life threatening.  She should have as much as she wants to eat anytime she wants to eat it all day long and water in front of her at all times. She should be eating a good quality dry PUPPY food , something on the lines of Flint River, Wellness. Natural Balance etc, no wheat no soy no corn no by products of any kind. She should also be getting foods with extra calcium like cottage cheese and all natural pain yogurt, lots of water as I said., unsalted chicken broth is great. She should've been dewormed along with the pups when they were two weeks of age and again at four weeks , upcoming on six weeks they should be dewormed again. Puppies should be eating mush made up of the same puppy food as mom eats mixed in a blender with a good puppy lac or puppy formula.
Do take your girl to the vet immediately. It sounds as if she likely has a pretty severe infection.
Good luck