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good diet for whelping dog

18 11:55:55

QUESTION: My bitch is a first time mother. She had four puppies last
night.  What would be an optimum diet for her? She is a very
fussy eater.

ANSWER: If she is a fussy eater I would feed her whatever puppy food she is willing to eat. The better the quality of the food the better nutrition you are going to essentially be giving the puppies. Just as with a person, what the mother eats gets into the milk supply. If you feed her a high quality diet it will make the puppies more healthy, and they will probably grow much better then if they are on a bland brand of food.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I feed her a very high quality kibble, Orojen puppy food.
She does seem to like the frozen food. I scrambled eggs and
put them with lean hamburger meat and try to sneak in the
kibble by grinding it up and put it with the hamburger; she
used to love it, now she turns up her nose. So I tried
frozen food, Nature's Balance. She is liking that now.  I
give her cottage and yogurt for dessert and add puppy gold
powder to that.  If I keep changing things, she does better.
Does what I am feeding sound good and giving her enough

Yes I do feel that this is adequate nutrition for your bitch. Orijen is a great food and will puppy all the nutrition that your puppies will need. Cottage cheese and yogurt is really good. You can also use goats milk for the puppies and the mommy as well.

Good luck with the puppies!!!

Have a happy holidays!