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Shih tzu breeding

18 11:56:16

Hi, my shih tzu gave birth just 3 weeks ago and has started bleeding
bright red. It is not heavy, but she had stoped after giving birth and has
started again with the bright red color. I am concerned because I know the
color should be dark red, green or brown, not the bright red. She is eating
and drinking fine, also taking care of her puppies great. Should I be
concerned yet?

i would take her in for a checkup just to make sure but she should be fine. the first things i always look at is how she is acting as far as eating drinking and activity. you said everything was normal so you should just keep an eye on herm i had this happen to one of my females before and i just kept an eye on her for a few days and after about 5 or 6 days it stopped. i really hope this helps and feel free to ask any other questions you may have.