Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > my staffy bitch has lost weight since given birh

my staffy bitch has lost weight since given birh

18 13:28:05

hi my staffy bitch gave birth to 8 puppys on monday morning she has lost allot of weight is there anything i can give her to build her back up. she is back to her normal bouncy cherful self but im still worried about her.

Hi. Make sure she has constant access to food/water at all times. You may want to give her some NutriCal, you get it from the vet and it's loaded with calories and other stuff that she needs. It's good to have on hand for the pups as well. Put some cottage cheese or beef broth on her food, this may get her eating good. Most girls will lose a bunch of weight at first, and blow their coat bad, but she should pick up soon and begin to put her weight back on. Make sure you worm her when you worm the pups. Good luck!