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Puppies born this AM

18 13:34:06

My husband just brought home this beautiful pitt female a few days ago. She acted odd from day 1, but this morning she topped the cake by whelping the most beautiful 6 pups I have ever seen! I don't know what in the world to do. She had not had any shots, she is bad thin especially now and I will be selling these pups because of respect for the breed! What is my next step?

Hi. First thing you need to do is to make her a box in a safe place to keep her puppies. Then, get mom and pups in to the vet for a check up to make sure everyone's ok, and to make sure mom doesn't have anymore pups or placentas inside of her. Get a few bottles and puppy formula to have on hand in case it's needed. Feed the heck out of mom, and make sure she has plenty of water at all times. Put some beef broth over her food. You may also want to get some Nutri-Cal from the vet. It will help give mom extra calories and nutrients, and can be used as a pick me up for mom and pups if the pups get weak. Watch mom's milk, and keep an eye on her breasts for signs of mastitis: if her breasts get a hot, red spot on them, or if her milk is an off color, get her to the vet. Make sure pups are kept warm and clean, and clean their box often during the day. Save the shots for after she weans her pups, but you can worm her when you worm the pups for the first time. Selling the pups out of respect for the breed...I'm not quite sure I understand this statement.:-) First, you need to figure out if they are purebred dogs. These may be mixed, I'm not sure of her background or where you got her from. No need to charge an arm an leg for a mixed bred puppy, although a small adoption fee is understandable to help recover a small potion of your costs, and to help weed out the non-serious new puppy owners. If you don't know who the father is, then you don't know what's behind these pups, health or temperament wise. You may need to keep these pups for a little bit longer to evaluate them to pair them up with just the right new owner. Placing puppies in new homes can be very scarey, and a little bit daunting. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know.