Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > cocker spaniel, Mr Stud;

cocker spaniel, Mr Stud;

18 11:55:13

QUESTION: I bought a cocker spaniel with an excellent pedigree,he was bought as a puppy, he is now 18 months old, has been fully health tested and is clear of all genetic problems. He has had 3 bitches brought to him, all ready for mating and has shown no interest at all. He was very interested when my bichon girls were in season and would have mated them if given the chance, but will not entertain "strangers". I am at my wits end. He was bought as a stud dog to introduce new lines into a shrinking gene pool.

ANSWER: Hi Lynne,  You may want to talk with your Vet and check his Thyroid levels.
Otherwise, Place him on a product like this 1 month before the female is in her Heat.
Mr. Studd is an example of a quality product.

Hope this Helps....

Marie Peppers  LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is s thyroid problem hereditry and if he has this should I still use him for stud?

Hi,  What you need to do is have his blood tested for Thryoid ...  It is just a guess.  He is young so it may not be a problem at all.
Just a good idea to have him tested well before any dog is used for breeding and stud.
I did not mean to make you worry.   Just get a good check up.

