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when to expect puppies

18 13:42:33

How can you tell when puppies are very soon to come?  My dog got bred, an uh-oh incident, so I'm not sure of dates, at all.  She is big as a house and when you apply pressure to her teats a tiny bit of colostrum comes out.  This will be her second litter but I'm still concerned and really want to know a fairly exact time period.  Any idea??

HI Nicole. A dog may get her milk in a few days before she whelps, up to a week before. Some dogs even wait until after they whelp to get their milk in. About 24-48 hours before she starts labor, she should lose her mucus plug. A day or so before she may not eat much, and may sleep a lot. It's kind of hard to say for sure, as all dogs are different and exhibit different signs. Good luck!