Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > my shit zu

my shit zu

18 13:32:34

QUESTION: my shit zu is 53 days pregnant. she has started panting. every time she has had her puppies on the 60th day. on the 52nd day she had a clear discharge but it has not continued. i was wondering if she had premature birth will the puppies survive?

ANSWER: Hi DJ. Pups born before the 58th day usually will not survive. Is there anyway that she could have been bred earlier than you thought?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok. she might have bred one day before we started counting. but thats it. she seems to be doing better and not panting as much. thank you very much,

Hi DJ. Please forgive me for taking so long in getting back to you. We've had that nasty stomach bug that's been going around.

I'm glad that she's doing good, just try to keep her quiet for a few more days. Good luck and if I can help with anything else, please let me know.