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how many puppies to expect

18 13:40:46

My boxer is 1 year old and this will be her first litter. How many puppies should we expect for the first time?

HI Jamie. Because she is so young, she may not have that many this time. The average for a Boxer is 4-6. I've had girls that only had one puppy, the average, however, was 8. It depends on the dog, her age, health, how many eggs she puts out, and a lot of it even depends on the line she comes from. If you can, find out how many pups were in her litter. I've known quite a few Boxer bitches that only had one puppy her first litter, not to scare you. :-) It's really hard to say for sure how many pups any dog is going to have, I can only give you an average. When she's about 50 days in, you can have an x-ray done to be able to tell better. Good luck, and if I can help, let me know!