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bulldog first period

18 13:42:57

My 8 month old british bulldog has come into its first period/heat,this happended approx 6 days ago, at first the bleeding was normal but for the past 3 days it is smelling very bad and making the house smell too despite alot of disinfecting, can you tell my or if this is normal and how long it should last, thankyou very much sarah

ANSWER: Hi Sarah. What color is her blood? If it looks like tomato soup, then she may have pyrometra. It's very serious, and can be deadly infection in her uterus. I think she needs a trip to the vet to be checked out. Her heat cycle shouldn't be smelling that bad. That's the best advice I can give you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again

the blood looks normal although quite alot, my other dog had pyrometra and she was losing very thick blood, and she became very lathargic, wouldnt eat/drink and as you said was seriously ill, thankfully after op she was brand new, but the bulldog appears to be happy and as normal would this be the case in pyrometra? Many thanks sarah

Hi Sarah! If your girl is acting normal, eating/drinking/playing, then it may not be pyrometra. She may have something like vaginitis, which is cleared up with antibiotics. Some dogs do get it during heat. She's young also. Some young female pups will get juvinelle vaginitis. Your vet will have to do a swear to find out for sure. I'd take her in and have it checked out, especially if you have plans to breed her later on down the road. Vaginitis and other infections can kill sperm, mess with heat cycles, and cause serious reproductive problems if not dealth with. If your girl does have it, and has recuring bouts with it, then you'll know how to deal with it before breeding. Good luck!