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AI for my pure bred Bernese Mt. Dog

18 13:26:58

I have attempted to breed my Bernese Mt. dog on three separate heat cycles without success.  Each time she has been put together with a different male.  Each time she only "sits" when they have shown interest.  My vet had suggested AI, but I have no idea how to acquire the semen for the job.  Any suggestions...

Hi Lisa

It's easier than you may think to collect semen.

You need a teaser female (preferably the one you are going to use to AI, you'll need her handy).  A Ziplock freezer bag (large), a couple of syringes and a rubber tube, catheter or straw.  

Have someone hold the female using a leash and collar.  Bring the male around to the business end and once he mounts her and become erect,  take the baggie (folding over the zipper part) and slide his penis right inside.  Hold the male behind the "knot", now you just have to hold the bag secure, no pumping, squeezing or dirty talk.  Dogs don't squirt out in one shot, but slowly drip out.  You may be there for 5 or 15 minutes.

There are three part to the semen, you want the creamy stuff.  First there will be a clear liquid, then the good stuff, the more of the clear stuff.  

Put the Zip on the bag and bring the female back.

Have someone hold the female front feet on the floor... bottoms' up!  Have that same someone hold her tail, or it will be cleaning your glasses.   

Gently insert the tube (you may need to use some Vaseline to get it in).  Don't force it.   Take the full syringes of semen, and insert in the tubes.   

Wait 10 minutes and put your female in a crate for an hour.

Repeat if necessary.

Good luck