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my pups how often should they poop

18 13:38:19

I have a littler of 3 maltese,3 weeks old they are not pooping often,my gal stimulates their pee and I either wait till they poo,or if they haven't in a day,I start to stimulate them,how often should I do this,when they do poop,not sure who it is but if left it will harden like a tiny log,but if they do in and I try to remove it as soon as possible its so soft,and have to change their beding,but should they be poo'ing every time after feeding,because they go straight to sleep ,they have more then doubled in weight,they don't cry,they sleep together if cold and apart if they feel warm,.mom only goes in to feed them,they don't even cry,guess she knows her teats are full and she feeds them,so how often should they poop in a day?and should I worry?they weight just under 2 lbs at 3 weeks old,mom is 9 is 10lbs

Hi Mary

Are you certain the dam isn't cleaning the poop too?   A female will ingest everything that the pups eliminate.

If they have tight stomachs after eating or are crying, that indicates a problem.  

Once the pups are on solid, the damn should try and keep them clean any longer.

By the sound of things, everything is good, they are a healthy weight and all is good, no need to borrow trouble :)

Good luck.