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St. Bernard whelping

18 13:30:25

I bred my 2 1/2 year old St. Bernard and she is now in her
fifth week.  I wanted to know if there were any problem tendencies specific to St. Bernards that I should watch for during her gestation.  She is happy and healthy, but I
wasn't sure if a speratic eating habit was normal.  She will eat fine for a few days and than be really picky for a few days.  I am feeding her the same dog food she has been used to with the addition of some puppy food.  Is there any problems I should especially watch for during labor?  Thank you!

Hi Elizabeth

There is no reason to expect complications from your female.  Remember with all dogs, it's common for a pup to come sunny side up or breech.  That's all normal for dogs, so don't panic if it happens.  Just make sure that your girl cleans the sac off the nose and mouth.  If it's her first litter, you may need watch to make sure she's not too rough with the cleaning.  Sometimes the first pup causes anxiety and until the new mother gets the swing of things, they can be a little unsure.  

Eating habits change as her body craves different things.  It would be a good idea to supplement her diet with salmon oils, vitamins and raw meat.  Organ meats like heart, kidney and liver can be purchased at your local grocery store.  A couple of pieces a day raw and then cook it up in a broth will increase her appetite. Start in small doses.  Too much and she can get the runs.

The best thing you can do for your female is provide a whelping box for her.  Large enough for her to lay out in. Place it in a quiet, safe corner and give her lots of newspaper and/or old towels to nest in.

Good luck.