Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > PREGNANT DOG?


18 13:44:52


ANSWER: When was your dog's last heat cycle? Do you know if mating occurred & if so, when? What is her age & breed?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: my dog's last cycle was 2 weeks ago and that is also when she mated....lately she has been very tired and sleeping all day...and she isn't as hyper as usual..i'm not sure what is wrong but could she be pregnant??

Hi Porscha:

Thanks for providing the additional information. If she mated about 2 weeks ago one of the early signs of pregnancy is some behavioral changes, such as becoming more sedate & seeking more attention from you and/or family members. Of course there's also a possibility she isn't pregnant & there could be another reason for her lethargy. I would recommend for you to continue to monitor her closely & if her sleepiness continues a vet visit may be necessary to determine the cause. Usually an experienced veterinarian can palpate the abdomen & detect fetal sacs around 25-30 days gestation as well as an ultrasound can detect fetal heartbeats as early as 25 days gestation.
One other possibility, although remote, is she may have a low grade infection beginning which could rapidly become more serious if left untreated. Watch for signs of excessive thirst & a foul odor coming from her vaginal region. If either of these signs appear please see your vet ASAP as this could easily develop into a life-threatening situation. If you have no plans to breed her you can easily eliminate any future accidental breedings and greatly reduce the risk of mammary & reproductive organ cancers by having her spayed. This will also make her a more content, happier dog as she'll no longer continually endure heat cycles which instinctively give her the urge to breed. Discuss this with your vet & I'm sure he'll agree.
I'm providing a few links on pregnancy signs which you may want to read to see if anything mentioned seems to fit her change of personality. I hope this helps & wish you the best of luck!