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Great Dane and Breeding

18 13:32:08

Ding, Ding, Ding....I have just read the question about this ladies Great Dane may be pregnant by her neighbor's dog. Well guess what the same thing has happened to my dane and I am sick to my stomach..If she is we will let her have the pups and give them away...My question is that after she has this litter may we still try and breed her with our Male great dane...(no relation) and will they be okay to sell?????

Hi. It's an old wives tale that if a dog is bred to a different breed, then any future puppies that she has will still be mixed by the first sire. This is not true. While this litter may be mixed, if the next time she is bred, she's only bred to your male Dane, then they'll be purebreds, and it'll be fine. If she is pregnant this time, then I'd wait until her second heat cycle to breed her again. Good luck!