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whiny stud post breeding

18 13:44:13

since carelessly locking with my 2 yr old Chihuahua, my 10 mo old yorkie has started to howl, whine and bark 24/7.  this has gone on for 2 solid days.  how do i stop this or is it uncontrollable?  we have successfully kept them apart since then but the noise is driving us crazy.  we now have to wear ear plugs and our neighbors are MAD at all the noise especially if she is out of his site for a second.

Hi Chula

Welcome to the world of breeding. LOL  

Now that your male has a "taste" of breeding, he'll ALWAYS want a female in season.  

Depending on what day your female is in her heat, you can expect another 15 days of howling.  You may want to let a friend "babysit" him and keep he away from your female and your neighbors.

Good luck.