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How do I know

18 13:28:26

My dog has gotten tied together more then once that it more n likely
that she concieved the first time? Cause if so shes at day 61 but no signs of
labor her temp has ranged from 99.0-98.3 past two this normal? I'm
just trying to get a ball park figure.knowing she tied more then once that's also her first pregnantcie shes almost 3yrs old and a large breed.

Hi. She could've concieved at any of these breedings, so it's hard to say which one is her actual due date. You're just going to have to wait her out. :-) As for her temp, you have to take it at the same time each day in order for this method to work. Different activities will affect her temp. If she's sleeping when you took it, it will be lower. When it drops lower than 98, you're in buisness, but you could possibly miss the drop. Has she lost her mucus plug yet? When she does, labor will usually start withing 24-48 hours. Either way, you're on puppy watch now, so I'd stay close by and keep an eye on her. Good luck!