Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > how long should i wait to breed my dog again???

how long should i wait to breed my dog again???

18 13:43:31


I have a 14 month old Siberian Husky and unfortunately its pregnant.I brought her to the Dog Groomers and they asked was she pregnant.
I then took her to the vet and he confirmed my nightmare.
See the problem is i don't know what or who the father is.
I was keeping Mia to breed properly but now she will be delivering in a few weeks!

So to my question, how long should i wait until i properly breed her?..

And is it dangerous to give these puppies away??...

Laura murphy,Ireland

Hi Laura. I would wait until she's atleast two years old. Since she's pregnant right now, I would ship her next cycle, and breed on the one after that, as long as this pregnancy and whelping goes well. As for the puppies, I'm sure they will be fine to find homes for. Just make sure they're all healthy and don't have any temperament issues. Good luck!