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Female bleeding after having puppies

18 13:41:25

My dog just had puppies 2 days ago.  Now she has a dark color discharge and as a slight odor, should I be worried.  This is her first live litter.  She lost her first litter.  And she lost 3 on this litter.  One of the puppies was born without being in a sack (born dead) and her last puppies which took a very long time and she had trouble delivering it (I had to assist) was born in a sack.  I don't want anything to happen to her.

Hi Donna

It could be that she still has either a retained pup or a placenta.  She should have a shot of oxytocin immediately to expel anything.  

Anything left inside will be detrimental to her and the health of her remaining pups.

Good luck.