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something is wrong with my dog

18 13:49:00

What is it when a dogs breast becomes as hard as a rock after she gives birth?

Hi Ashley --

That sounds like Mastitis.  Usually it's one of the hind nipples.  They become swollen, painful, warm and hard. You can massage the gland a few times a day with camphorated oil, apply cold packs, warm towels, or stand her in a warm bath tub until her milk lets down.  All of these will help draw out the coagulated and caked milk.

It's important to watch that they don't become severely infected The female can run a fever, become listless and appear out of sorts.  It's important that the pups DO NOT drink from the infected breast or they can become ill, most times terminally.  

You want to have your vet check it as she may need antibiotics.

Good luck.

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