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Hello again!

18 13:26:38

Hi not sure if i have a problem or not so here I am again! My puppies are now 5wks old and all 9 are doing well as is the dame. They are having three meals a day and have just started lapping at water. However one of the bitches seems to have started having trouble peeing, only doing tiny amounts often..and tonight I have noticed that she has got very loose stools. She is a lower weight than the rest of the pups but seems to be thriving so that hasnt worried me. The whole litter have soft ish stools any way but hers are runny. What to do??? Thankyou for reading Paula.

Hi. I would take her in for a fecal check just to be on the safe said, and have her checked for a UTI. It's pretty common in females. Her trying to pee but only producing a tiny amount is a sign of a UTI, antibiotics will clear that up. If a fecal check is negative, then you may want to have her checked for coccidia. Good luck!