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Chihuahua in Heat

18 13:29:05


Smurf Sleeping
Hi there. I have a 6 year old long hair chihuahua who is in heat. We have been waiting for this heat before we fix her. I want to stress that I have no intention on breeding her. However, I haven't owned her long, she is from a breeding home, and I have chosen to give her a life-long home free from over-breeding, which she has previously been subject to.

She seems as though to be very exhausted, which I can understand. But her poor little eyes seem to be expressing some sort of pain. She usually sleeps all day, so nothing has changed there, but other than hitting on my thoroughly confused, and neutered great Dane puppy, she just looks at me... as if to convey that she is in a great deal of pain.

I have never owned an unspayed female before, is it common for her to be displaying symptoms of lethargy, discomfort, and even pain?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Lyndsay

Kudos to you for allowing a retired female to be just that, retired!

Because each female is different, they can all express different emotions and symptoms during their cycle.  Certainly some are lethargic, but some are aggressive, some can sleep, and some are wound up like tops.

The thing with dogs is they typically have a high pain threshold and wouldn't convey pain unless they are really in a lot of it.  My advise is to take her to the vet and have her do a once over, do some blood work and maybe an ultra sound or x-ray to ensure that she doesn't have something else going on inside.

Good luck