Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Again about my boston.

Again about my boston.

18 13:29:34

QUESTION: Sorry but it me again. So the last time yesterday I asked you about her not showing at 4 weeks. You assured me not to worry and just wait for x rays at day 50. Now I have another question? She has had peeing accidents! She is house train and never peeing indoors! She peed on my sofa and then right on the floor when I called for her to come to me! Is this normal? This early... I didnt think so. Please help me out. =)

ANSWER: There could be pressure on her bladder.

Just a quick question.... Did you have the male tested for STD's prior to breeding?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So even is she isnt showing the pups can be inside pushing on the bladder? I didnt have this male tested because he was never bred before. The last male I did. Oh no did that not matter? Im really thinking she is pregnant because the signs are there just not as fast as I want them. She is slightly larger in the lion area. Grooming herself alot licking her paws slowing and vulva... (JUST CLEANING HERSELF ALL THE TIME.) Is that normal? Also she is peeing alot! Her nipples are slightly larger and she sleeps anyday... and wants to sleep on me. She always before breeding is CRAZY hyper. She is vomiting alittle but not so much now. Im sorry for wasting your time. But Im so excited. Its not like you can tell me everthing is forsure but its nice for an assurance. Thanks

You are going to make yourself crazy and your female picks up on that which in turn will make her more anxious.  You have got to be calm for the sake of your female.

ALL breeding males and females should be tested prior to breeding regardless of if they've breed before or not. Brucellous is silent and fatal.  

All signs point towards a pregnancy, however, I have a concern if she's licking her paws. That can be a sign of poor quality food and dogs on some foods will licked.   You want to make sure she's on top quality food, Solid Gold, Barking at the Moon, Taste of the Wild, Dick Van Patten, just to name a few.  You always want to supplement her with vitamins and oils.