Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > spotting some..

spotting some..

18 11:58:31

Hi Joyce,
Wanted to first say thanks for giving such quick responses!!
I have a chi that had a good size litter of 8 pups, which are now about "9wks" old....We have noticed a little light colored blood spotting off and on for a few wks, but it's like a drop or two at the most.. She is about 11lbs, so we're assuming it's from that size litter?? Otherwise, she is playing, eating, like normal...We are also planning on having her spayed, and wondered what u thought about including all the bloodwork, and testing etc., b4 she has it done? I want her safe, but not wanting to spend more if it isn't necessary to do so...
Thanks so much,

Hi Karen

Honestly I adore the veterinary practices and the services they provide.  But I LOVE my vet who is mobile and doesn't have the high cost and overhead of running a practice.

Has your female ever displayed any signs of bleeding or health issues?  If the answer is no, then you don't need to do blood work and test before the spay.  Just do the spay.  Also, when you have the spay done, it's not the time to be giving her boosters. So just the spay, nothing else.

As for the bleeding.  8 pups is HUGE for a Chi, even a 11 pounder.  Give her time, and arnica if you can (available at any health food store) and she'll be back to her old self.  I would wait until the pups are 3-4 months before considering spaying her.

Good luck, and your very welcome.