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shih tzu panting after whelping

18 13:32:49

my shih tzu gave birth Friday night 10/24/08 to a litter of 5 and today is sunday and i notice she has been panting alot she does have fur and we are trying to keep it warm for the pups i watched and counted placentas so I am sure they all came out!!!I called the vet they said it is normal but it worries me

Hi Jamey

You don't want it too warm because pups can't regulate their temperature and can overheat and become dehydrated.  It is more important to keep them out of a draft and keep your female comfortable letting her body heat warm the pups.

Did she also expel the afterbirth?  Get your female up and walking, this will help with anything left over in her uterus.  Blood, afterbirth, etc. And finally, ensure she has access to plenty of clean, fresh water.

Good luck