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mating smells and bathing

18 13:32:52

hi, i mated my shihtzu on the 20th  at my home which took the male a while to not be scared, but they did tie. we tried last night (22nd)at his house, but our girl was too distracted. so they came over today and it was successful. afterwards she had an awful smell at her bottom. the boys owner says that is normal and something about urine from the boy. she also said not to bathe her for 2 days because it could stress her. i live in spain and im not sure i understood her correctly. she sticks really bad! i tried to use some wipes but she doesnt like that much and it didnt help much either. should i wait for a bath? and... is that smell normal? there was not smell after the tie on the 20th.
thanks for the help,

Hi Cindy. I wouldn't bath her at this point, I would get her to a vet and let him smell her. Usually, a bad smell isn't good, something's not right. It may also be her anal glands. Either way, I'd get her to the vet to see what's going on. I know this isn't a lot of help, but without seeing the dog myself, it's hard to say for sure. The vet would be your best bet. Good luck!